piatok 27. marca 2015

Tik tak

Stránka z môjho art journal vytvorená podľa kreatívneho cvičenia od Mixed Media Place - Typography.

Čas beží..tik tak..tik tak..neustále. Či ho počítame na minúty, hodiny, dni, roky, alebo na okamihy, chvíle, spomienky.
Art journal page inspired by creative excercise at Mixed Media Place - Typography.
Time is running..tik tak...it´s runnning, if we count minutes, hours, days, yeras..or if we count eyewinks, moments, memories..

V projekte boli použité:

Art Basics Heavy Gesso White, Prima Marketing
Art Basics Soft Gloss Gel, Prima Marketing
sprej Lindy´s Stamp Gang, Blue Hawaiian Blue
sprej Lindy´s Stamp Gang, Hydrangea Blue
akrylová farba strieborná Marabu, Crea Box
temperová farba čierna, Kooh-I-Noor
maska Scrapberry´s, Gear - Wheels
maska Prima Marketing, Clock
domáca modelovacia pasta
pečiatky Lucia Barabas, Priania
pečiatky Lucia Barabas, Žurnál
pigment Ink Pad, Artiste, Black 
abeceda American Crafts, Amy Tangerine, Wish White
fixka Stabilo point 88
strieborné metalické pero 

4 komentáre:

  1. what a wonderful page!! Fantastic background work! Thank you for joining the Mixed Media Place challenge!

  2. Fabulous spread! Loving the colors! Thank you for joining the Mixed Media Place Gym!

  3. Amazing work! I love all the style and the blue color! Thank you for joining our challenge at Mixed Media Place!

  4. thank you very much for your kind words!
